Splatter Calc
splatter calc
Reverse this binary to determine the input number required to read the flag on the remote server.
- nc challenges.tamuctf.com 60032
Download: tamu2020-splatter-calc
Linear congruential generator
Looks like a rust bin with LCG. Binary
implements an LCG seeded with user input, it then applies a binary operation to the output of the LCG
and a starting fixed point 0xcafebabe
It repeats this process 8 times in total, and every time it would use the next output from the LCG and the result of the previous binary operation. At the end of the routine it asserts that the output from the operation and the LCG each have a specific value.
Our goal is to get the initial seed that would lead to this state.
Reversed code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned long long transform(unsigned long long prev_trans, unsigned long long prev_lcg) {
int choice = (int)(prev_lcg & 0x7);
switch(choice) {
case 0:
return prev_trans;
case 1:
return prev_trans + prev_lcg;
case 2:
return prev_trans - prev_lcg;
case 3:
return prev_trans * prev_lcg;
case 4:
return (prev_trans * prev_trans);
case 5:
return (prev_trans << (prev_lcg & 0xFF));
case 6:
return (prev_trans >> (prev_lcg & 0xFF));
case 7:
return (prev_trans ^ prev_lcg);
return 0;
int main() {
unsigned long long seed;
scanf("%llu", &seed);
printf("Got seed: %llu\n", seed);
unsigned long long start = (long long)(seed & 7);
unsigned long long prev_trans = transform(0xcafebabe, seed);
unsigned long long prev_lcg = (seed * 0x83f66d0e3) + 0x24a452f8e;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
prev_trans = transform(prev_trans, prev_lcg);
prev_lcg = (prev_lcg * 0x83f66d0e3) + 0x24a452f8e;
if (prev_lcg == 0x471de8678ae30ba1 && prev_trans == 0xacdee2ed87a5d886) {
printf("%llu %llu\n", prev_trans, prev_lcg);
return 0;
} else {
printf("%llu %llu\n", prev_trans, prev_lcg);
return 1;
from gmpy2 import isqrt, mpz
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
from sympy.ntheory.residue_ntheory import sqrt_mod
MAX = 2 ** 64
def unl(p):
return ((p - 0x24a452f8e) * inverse(0x83f66d0e3, MAX)) % MAX
def unt(t, p):
choice = p & 0x7
mapz = {
0: lambda x: x[0],
1: lambda x: x[0] - x[1] % MAX,
2: lambda x: x[0] + x[1] % MAX,
3: lambda x: (x[0] * inverse(x[1], MAX)) % MAX,
4: lambda x: sqrt_mod(x[0], MAX),
5: lambda x: (x[0] >> (x[1] & 0xFF)) % MAX,
6: lambda x: (x[0] << (x[1] & 0xFF)) % MAX,
7: lambda x: (x[0] ^ x[1])
return mapz[choice]((t, p)) % MAX
def rel(p):
return ((p * 0x83f66d0e3) + 0x24a452f8e) % MAX
def ret(t, p):
choice = p & 0x7
mapz = {
0: lambda x: x[0],
1: lambda x: x[0] + x[1] % MAX,
2: lambda x: x[0] - x[1] % MAX,
3: lambda x: (x[0] * x[1]) % MAX,
4: lambda x: (x[0] ** 2) % MAX,
5: lambda x: (x[0] << (x[1] & 0xFF)) % MAX,
6: lambda x: (x[0] >> (x[1] & 0xFF)) % MAX,
7: lambda x: (x[0] ^ x[1])
return mapz[choice]((t, p)) % MAX
prevl = 0x471de8678ae30ba1
prevt = 0xacdee2ed87a5d886
for i in range(8):
y = unl(prevl)
x = unt(prevt, y)
print(y, x)
assert rel(y) == prevl
assert ret(x, y) == prevt
prevl = y
prevt = x
print(hex(prevl), hex(prevt))
print(prevl, prevt)
$ python solve.py
7515707083221606161 4940936045942684021
17764897228028070113 5622782891624165524
4054891027388248273 1567891864235917251
16487616737524898849 3527019200420570018
269053440828241041 3257965759592328977
564860419845330273 2693105339746998704
2693104353610717777 986136280927
982730589345 3405691582
0xe4cf4ec4a1 0xcafebabe
982730589345 3405691582
$ nc challenges.tamuctf.com 60032
Please enter an initial rng: 982730589345